Watermark0r 1.0.0

This tool allows you to create watermarked images and videos.

Germandayz Watermark Tool

This tool allows you to create watermarked images and videos. Just drag and drop your

media into the main window and it will add a watermark to it. The output will be saved

into the same folder where the input is but with a "_gdz" postfix.

Eine Software erstellt um ein Germandayz Logo über Videos oder Bilder zu legen.

Wie geht das?

- Germandayz Watermark0r programm starten

- Medien direkt aus dem Browser in das Watermark0r Fenster ziehen

- Ausgabedateien werden im Eingangsverzeichnis gespeichert mit "_gdz" Endung.



This tool is also capable of bulk converting. Drag and Drop multiple files on it and leave it

a while.

It supports the following formats:

Images: jpg, png, bmp, dds

Video: avi, mp4, mkv, m4v, mov

Created by HToneill