DayZ Standalone Update 0.55.127059 (Experimental)

  • DayZ Standalone Update 0.55.127059 (Experimental)

    Zu experimental Updates gibt es nie öffentliche Changelogs, alle Infos kommen von anderen Spieler.

    Größe: 533 mb

    [Tags are as following]:

    [World]: Updates to the map of Chernarus.
    [Loot]: New lootable items that spawn.
    [Bug]: A bug is when something doesn't work as intended.
    [Mechanic]: New game features such as extended cooking or crafting etc.


    [Animations] Idle menu animations
    [Loot] Landmines
    [Loot] 7.62x54 rounds
    [img width=700 height=393][/img]
    [Loot] Bear traps spawning now, deployed and video Note: Breaks your legs when stepped on!
    [Loot] Landmines are now spawning, demonstration for science
    [Mechanic] Central loot economy is in now!
    [Mechanic] New crosshair!, also seen here
    [Mechanic] New crosshair when weapon raised (IZH-43 Shotgun)
    [Mechanic] "Zoom in" (holding the right mouse button) zooms in less now
    [Mechanic] New open/closing door icons
    [Mechanic] New ladder down icon, ladder up icon
    [Mechanic] View contents icon changed
    [Mechanic] Truck icons have changed
    [Mechanic] Can now obtain birch bark, also here and it can be used to create a fireplace kit
    [Mechanic] Can now obtain oak bark
    [Mechanic] Blaze95 now uses .308 rounds
    [World] Map changes
    [World] New medical building outside of Elektro, another pic
    [img width=700 height=437][/img]
    [World] First new camp
    [img width=700 height=393][/img]
    [World] Second new camp
    [World] Third new camp


    [Bug] Water pump spammable again
    [Bug] Landmine hit detection not working properly
    [Bug] Ice Axe one handed, can't be swung


    [World, loot]
    [World, loot]…-obnovleniya-0-55-127059/
    [Mechanic] Changes in server_data.pbo

    Changes in server_data.pbo (loot tables and crafting)
    Spawn points for Landmines and Bear Traps added:
    New building spawn point added. (Could be a new building or an old building made enterable):
    class Land_CampHouse_white:
    "Search for Ashwood stick" changed to:
    "Cut Ashwood branch off"
    New user action to cut bark from trees:
    class SearchForBark {
    displayName = "Cut bark off";
    Two types of bark available:

    Loot Tables here:
    Bear Trap added to hunting knife spawns.
    Land Mines added to shovel spawns.
    Fruits renamed by removing the "Fresh" infront of the class names, example: "Fruit_PotatoFresh" to "Fruit_Potato". Most likely just internal.
    Some kind of tagging variable added to police loot spawns, possibly part of loot economy?
    Land_CampHouse_white added new loot spawn location, nothing special misc camping like gear, clothes etc.
    Land_CampHouse_brown added as well.
    Land_CampHouse_red added.
    Land_sunshade added.
    Search for Ashwood stick text changed to "Cut Ashwood branch off".
    Variants of the same tree now don't have duplicate function and instead inherit the functions from one parent variant.
    SearchForBark function added must be holding a knife or axe on some trees.
    Add Resin function removed on the trees that give bark.
    Chopping firewood may or may not give a different amount of wood now, some condition changes indicate it, so I'm not certain.
    Internal rename of the berries, Berry_Canina and Berry_Sambucus now Fruit_CaninaBerry and Fruit_SambucusBerry respectively.
    Major changes to a lot of diseases that were not used before ( they were already in the files ) including Cholera, CommonCold, Influenza, Angina, Salmonellosis (some cooldown was removed).

    Consumable Changes:
    Cleaning Rags now should be possible with different containers of Disinfectant, this confuses me as before it was alcohol tincture that cleaned ruined rags. Are they classified as the same now? Would need some testing.
    Consumable_Bark_Birch added class definition.
    Consumable_Bark_Oak added class definition.
    Consumable_Nails added class definition.

    Cooking Changes:
    Craft_Fireplace_WoodenStick_OakBark added.
    Craft_Fireplace_WoodenStick_BirchBark added.
    Craft_Fireplace_Firewood_OakBark added.
    Craft_Fireplace_Firewood_BirchBark added.
    Now fireplaces take 3x3 in inventory and have 6x2 of space.
    A new event handle added to the cooking pot, can't make out what it means, best guess would be attaching detaching to gas cooker / tripod related.


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()


    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=524][/img]

    Bei Fragen... fragen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von saiboT ()

  • April 1, 2015

    Experimental Branch Update


    Oder aber auch "April, April" ;D ;D

    &WCF_AMPERSAND"Meine Mutter hat mir immer gesagt: Irgendwann bist du in Irgendwas gut; Ich glaub&WCF_AMPERSAND' nicht, dass sie bei &WCF_AMPERSAND"Irgendwas&WCF_AMPERSAND" an Zombies töten gedacht hat&WCF_AMPERSAND"<br /><br />Besucht uns auf unserem Server: LangMach[GER] (

  • v0.55.127059 (25 Mar 2015)

    New Items, Entities and Buildings:

    Bear Trap
    Land Mine
    New farmer zombie model
    New icons for doors, ladders, reloading a gun and opening someone's or a corpse's inventory
    New crosshair + when weapon is raised
    Can now cut Oak Bark and Birch Bark from trees
    New Summer Cottage building
    New gate structure

    New Mechanics:

    Bullets placed in a fireplace will "pop" off after a short while
    Spraypaint, Gas Canisters, and grenades placed in a fireplace will explode after a short while
    Number of animal spawns increased
    PM73 RAK and its magazines now spawn at tank wrecks and the gun in the prison complex
    Personal zoom view (without a scope or binoculars) has been reduced by 40%
    Vehicles now take damage from impacts with other objects and will transfer some damage to the player(s) inside
    Can now run and shoot whilst aiming down sights

    Animations and Audio:

    New zombie animations
    New prone and "roll" (on the ground) sounds for player
    New V3S audio


    First iteration of central loot economy
    First iteration of the new infected AI
    Infected react to sounds, e.g footsteps
    Infected FoV reduced a significant amount
    Infected will attack and damage the player immediately upon touching
    Infected are now able to group together in larger groups, but are still limited for now
    Number of infected per map is doubled
    Infected health increased significantly, can take up to 7 hits with a pickaxe to kill a normal infected
    First iteration of the new stealth system
    Collision between vehicles and infected/animals is turned off

    Leaked Files:

    Advanced Spear
    Amanita (mushroom)
    Basic Spear
    Champignon (mushroom)
    Dress Pants
    General Store building
    Hunting Jacket (Brown, Olive, Autumn, Summer, Winter)
    IZH-18 / Sawed-Off IZH-18
    Medical Scrubs (shirt & pants)
    Rotten Apple (new texture)
    UMP Magazine
    Winchester Model 70 Alaskan

    New Locations:

    Holiday Camp Gordyy Chernarus added near Green Mountain
    Holiday Camp Kometa added near Topolka Dam
    Holiday Camp Nadezhda added near Novy Sobor
    Holiday Camp Pobeda added near Grozovoy Pass
    Summer Camp Arsenievo added northeast of the quarry at Severograd
    Summer Camp Romashka added near Devils Castle

    Updated Locations:


    Chainsaw added back to loot tables
    Some animal pelts have changed size in player inventory
    Zombies no longer see players miles away, through objects like houses, etc. (see: changes to Zombie AI in Programming)
    7.62mm Round(s) are now known as 7.62x54mmR Round(s)
    Blaze 95 Double Rifle and LongHorn now use .308 Winchester Round(s)

    Known Issues:

    The initial Experimental build of 0.55 was mistakenly marked as "0.54.126862"
    Zombies do not make footstep noises
    Zombie growls and screams are sometimes silent
    Sporter 22 and Amphibia S can be chambered with up to 29 bullets
    Frequent server crashes on some builds

  • [tweet]582459080293380096[/tweet]

    &WCF_AMPERSAND"Meine Mutter hat mir immer gesagt: Irgendwann bist du in Irgendwas gut; Ich glaub&WCF_AMPERSAND' nicht, dass sie bei &WCF_AMPERSAND"Irgendwas&WCF_AMPERSAND" an Zombies töten gedacht hat&WCF_AMPERSAND"<br /><br />Besucht uns auf unserem Server: LangMach[GER] (

  • Eugen Harton ‏@eugenharton 1 Min.Vor 1 Minute
    Client update live and available for preload. Servers later.